

Dear All,

I need your little time for pray and support as donations for the baby, Baby is very cute but unfortunately he have problem with health, for sure and i believe we all want if he can smile and playing as normal Child.

Please if you can support them, just sent your donations
1000 love for Amirah
Bank Cental Asia
Kcp. Bukit Cinere Indah
Account Number is : 204 00 44 992 ( A/N. Amirah Az Zahra )

Bank Mandiri
Kcp. Depok Cinere Limo
Account number is : 157 000 206 6885 ( A/n. Lasianto QQ Amirah Az Zahra )
Hera’s Mobile number : +62 81 58 60 70071

I really appreciate for any support by financial and Spiritual of you.
Please do forward much as you can to your friends
Thank you and have a good day

DEPOK – Setelah kasus Bilqis dan Fikri yang mengidap penyakit gangguan
saluran empedu atau biasa disebut dengan istilah Atresia Bilier mencuat ke publik, kini kasus serupa muncul di Depok, Jawa Barat.Korbannya adalah Amira (3), bocah yang tinggal di Kecamatan Limo, Depok.Gejala penyakit tersebut mulai muncul pada Amira semenjak ia berusia 19
hari. Salah satunya adalah Amira selalu tertidur saat tengah disusui ibunya dan hanya sedikit mengonsumsi ASI.Orangtua Amira, pasangan Lasianto dan Herawati tidak tinggal diam. Mereka membawa Amira berkeliling rumah sakit hingga akhirnya ia divonis dokter RS Harapan Kita menderita gangguan saluran empedu atau Atresia Bilier. Gejala
lainnya juga nampak saat Amira masih bayi dimana seluruh tubuhnya berwarna kekuningan. Ibunda Amira, Herawati (36) menuturkan, saat itu ia mengira warna kuning pada tubuh anak bungsunya tersebut dapat hilang jika disinari matahari pagi. Namun, kata Herawati, warna kuning tersebut tak hilang dan menyebabkan mereka harus kontrol setiap bulan untuk membuat Amira tetap bertahan. “Kata rumah sakit saluran empedu Amira tak terbentuk atau atresia bilier. Saat 16 bulan, bertemu dokter yang cocok, dan Amira diberikan obat tujuh macam serta vitamin, dan cukup ada perubahan, perutnya tidak terlalu membuncit,” tuturnya kepada wartawan di rumahnya Jalan Madura No 17, Kecamatan Limo Depok, Minggu Di usianya yang hampir tiga tahun, kata Herawati, Amira tergolong mengalami kurang gizi dengan berat badan hanya mencapai 9,5 kilogram.Herawati juga menuturkan, Amira baru bisa berjalan saat usianya 2 tahun 4 bulan.”Saya sudah 1,5 tahun berobat, Amira baru bisa berjalan karena mungkin daging dan tulangnya sudah mulai terbentuk. Untuk motorik masih tergolong normal, bisa bicara sedikit-sedikit, namun memang badannya kecil kalau anak normal di usia tiga tahun kata dokter harus di atas 13 kilogram,”
( dikutip dari wawancara Ibu Hera dgn media setempat )


Dear All, I need you pray for baby of my friend.HIs name is baby Ibra Ananda, son of Mr. Andy and Mrs Eri. Ibra have ill as baby stroke and until now that cute baby still weak,not wake up fully and need miracle of God. Lets us pray for Mr. Andy Fam, wish the little Ibra can wake up soon and health and back with happin…ess to his parents and brother…. To whom wanna help as donate or can inform any social organizations perhaps can help them, please contact to Kristal Hotel(62-21-7507050) or Andy Faisol (62 81299 52883) Your Prayer is really appreciate and helpfull for them. and Thank you for all..May GOd Bless them and You all….. Amien

MeT uLTah MaMa……


By. Melly Goeslaw

kubuka album biru
penuh debu dan kusam
kupandangi semua gambar diri
kecil bersih belum ternoda

pikirkupun melayang
dahulu penuh kasih
teringat semua cerita orang
tentang riwayatku

kata mereka diriku selalu dimanja
kata mereka diriku selalu ditimang

nada nada yang indah
selalu terurai dariku
tangis anak dari bibirku
takkan jadi deritamu

tangan halus dan suci
telah menangkap tubuh ini
jiwa raga dan seluruh hidup
rela diberikan

kata mereka diriku selalu dimanja
kata mereka diriku selalu ditimang

oh bunda ada dan tiada dirimu
kan selalu ada didalam hatiku

Melody from Melly G, melody nan syahdu so nice , I felt my tears come to my face.. Mama..I miss you..Oh Mama your love to us never end till last minuts… You always cover me with your lovely feeling, with all attention and fully patiently, You always supporting me even i  always broked  the rulles and make you headache…I always noughty and make you angry,make your feeling so bad with my words, my attitude,my habit,my behavior,I always hurt you,but you always forgive me..and you still give me a lots of love. How much your love to me will never can be calculate with anything in the world.Will never can be changes with anything.. YOUR LOVE   so important for me.You always there when i need you.. and with your love you will make me so calm and relax.I see our photos album when we always together, you always smile and hugs me…When you bring me to paris and others country.. oh so lucky me have you as my mom.  Mama  where are you now.. i want you beside me right now and say i love you…. but you are there and you still supporting me to taking care of my son. Oh Mama how much i bother you….

Long time ago.. i feel that the ways you teach me is too strong on me, i feel is not fair and i get jelousy.. but now.. i understand.. you want me strong and be  indipendant girls and can fight in the hard lifes.You want me always stand on my feet without depending with someone or anything else.And until now..i still not give you any happiness yet. Just problem and something bad else.Oh My God, how bad am i as daughter.. and GOD,You give me really nice mother who fully of love .

Mama, Today is your Birthday.. your special day and i’m so shy, I can’t give you much things. I just can praying for your health, your success life, your love and luck into your life MAY ALLAH SWT ALWAYS BLESSING YOU. You are great mother for me and us ( your kids ) and you are also great grandmother for our kids. Really.. you are Miracle from  ALLAH SWT given to us..without you.. i will never be here and be right now..

Mama.. please forgive me all mistake what i done..i still can not make you happy yet and  still can not give you wish on me.  I hope i will never hurt you again.. and i  still need your support always to make me more strong than now..don’t leave me alone without your love.


Specially for My Lovely MAMA….by Rini

RA.Kartini on 2008


ibu kita Kartini, putri sejati
putri Indonesia, harum namanya

ibu kita Kartini, pendekar bangsa
pendekar kaumnya untuk merdeka

wahai ibu kita Kartini
putri yang mulia
sungguh besar cita-citanya
bagi Indonesia

Masih Ingat kah engkau akan lagu ini..? masih hafalkah engkau dengan lagu ini.. waduh jujur aja deh.. aku dah nggak iling blass… inget tglnya aja dah lupa boro2 lagunya.. balik ke SD lagi yuk..

Tak terasa hari ini hari bersejarah bagi kaum hawa di Indoensia.. tanpa beliau mungkin kita masih berkutak kutik di dapur saja..nggak ngerti kono-kene, nggak ngerti tentang dunia luar.. taunya 3M Masak, Macak,Manak ( eh bener atau salah sich ..??? ). Tanpa beliau mungkin kita nggak akan pernah tau soal dunia politik, dunia laki-laki, dunia yang tak mungkin kita pikirkan sebelumnya..

Zaman RA.Kartini, semua serba aturan dan penuh tantangan.. kita tak bisa bebas bergerak dan leluasa bekerja. Kita harus tunduk kepada Orang tua kita, Suami dan saudara laki-laki.Kita harus patuh apa kata orang tua yang serba ini dan itu..RIBET deh…untung aku nggak lahir zaman itu deh..ngenes kalee yeee.. 

Aduh..Tahun semakin berganti, begitu juga gaya dan aturan pun selalu berganti mengiringin tiap langkah tahun yang berjalan..kini tak lagi banyak aturan yang mengikat kaum hawa untuk bekerja dan berberpikir… sekarang kita bisa bergerak,terbang bebas dan leluasa menjelajahi dunia luar yang pernah dalam angan kita sebelumnya..Sekarang kita bisa bekerja dan meraih cita-cita setinggi langit..( berapa meter yach..? ada yang tau nggak.,.??). Sekarang kita bisa belajar nggak hanya satu-dua bahasa aja.. ibaratnyan kita kaum hawa bisa merdeka…Tapi INGAK-INGAK… walau kita bisa terbang sebebas burung camar ( lho kok jadi Vina Panduwinata sich..) kita tetap nggak boleh melangkahi hak suami dan membantah apa kata Ortu..apalagi sampai ngelupain kodrat kita sebagai wanita.. yach kembali lagi 3M deh…kita tetap kudu menghormati ortu dan suami serta pasa saudara laki2 kita, kita tetap kudu patuh dan tunduk walau hati kita kadang berontak.

Janganlah setelah kita bisa bebas dan merdeka kita jadi lupa akan kodrat kita sebagai wanita dan melupakan segalanya.. terutama dalam segi keluarga.. janganlah itu sampai terjadi yach.. ( ceile sok filosofi banget deh gw..). Janganlah setelah kita meraih cita-cita kita jadi males berumah tangga karena takut kita nggak bisa berkreativitas lagi dan mendapatkan segala sesuatu yang kita mau.. Boleh lah kita beraktivitas walaupun kita berumah tangga.. toh masih banyak jalan untuk mendapatkan uang sendiri..seperti buka usaha kecil di dalam rumah( home industri) dengan begitu kita bisa menjadi wanita sejati.. ngejagain keluarga dan juga punya income sendiri.Bukan berarti kita harus bekerja di kantor dengan jabatan yang tinggi dan gaji yang gede tapi keluarga berantakan.. RA KARTINI nggak ngajarin kita seperti itu khan..?Beliau walau mengajari kita untuk beremansipasi dengan kaum Adam.. bukan maksud untuk menginjak mereka dan juga bukan maksud untuk mereka mudah mempermainkan kita.. tetaplah kita berdiri dan menjadi wanita yang mandiri tanpa harus selalu bergantung dengan kaum adam.. bolehlah sometimes kita bergantung kepada mereka karena mereka punya tanggung jawab terhadap kita…

Nach generasi muda… bagaimana dengan RA KARTINI era thn 2008..?????? 




Moslem Lady


All my dear friends,

As moslem lady we must be cover all part of the body, we not allowed to show up to others people which is not our muchrim just to our family related only. We not allowed to hanging out with man and manythings to do we must to keep distance. Why must like that..? Is was written in our Holy AL Qur’an and Hadist Muhammad SAW.

Let me share with my experinece, everytime i saw those people.. i just quite or sometimes i give bad comment to them because they are attitudes is not well. They just cover as the dress.  I saw many people who wearing jilbab they said we not allowed to shake the hand with the man and hugging around.. but what i saw.. front of my eyes.. the hugging each others in the mall, and one time i saw it that they seat together in one chair ( pangku ), Massyaallah.. is really make me shame with this. Im not wonder if so many people ( others relagion ) just laughing to see  our people do like this. This also happen which lady use all black dress to cover all the body,( all black and only eyes left ) but they attitude is so bad. One of them is near with my house in Surabaya, and She get pregnant before married and the guy is just running away.. Astaghfirulahh, Really make me shame.. is really embrassing. How come the cover all like this so tight but can be make love without married.. and get pregnant. astaghfirulahh, really so bad.So what does mean the cover..? is just dress ?? just mask ? just to show up that we are moslem..? but they not more better than kupu2malam.  So what does mean???

Here also, even in arabic country, when im doing my duty as reception and i have evening or night shift, i saw many lady ( i cant mention the nationality ) they are just prostitud ( sorry about my bad  words ) they wearing that kabaya ( name of  the black dress in here ), they come inside the hotel and changes in the rest room. and the they start with their job. So what does mean again…?is just dress only.. and where is our hard should be cover ..? Astaghfirullah….

Okay.. is humanian.. we can not judges them as we said.. only ALLAH SWT who knows which is better and good.  Only ALLAH SWT the one who created everthing in this world.. ALLAH SWT knows better than us..

Now is happen on me..starting last holy Ramadhan i wearing jilbab,which i never think about it, never come to my mind, never have any imagination before.. really is nothing on my mind. With all those what i see ?? forget it !! now..i cover it all. I must more becarefull on my words,my attitude and many things.. i belive what i said to them before will come back to me. Really is hard for me in the begining.. before i make practise i felt so hot, not comfort and shy. But in the first day on Ramadhan 2007. I try to wear will all my faithfully heart. I was crying when i saw my face in mirror.. i never think that i will wearing right now.. Oh Ya ALLAH SWT, did im really ready for this.. or just ….?????? Did im ready with my attitude or i use this bcz my boyfriend “ koky ”  want it ??? im on dilemma… Ya ALLAH… please give me your sign.. what is good for me..?I wont use is only for mask..i dont want like them who make my religion moslem looks so bad in front of others religion… and please make me ready for all. I really fight with my heart what i have to do.. sometimes i still want have fun ,wear my sexy dress again, have fun and manythings else. But i wearing your dress now.. i should be cover all my attitudes.. Please Ya ALLAH SWT.. give me power to keep faithfull with my heart, to keep good what you mention on your Holy AL Qur’an Hadist Rassullah SAW. I feel so bad, im feel so small and dirty fron of you. Im not better than them.Please Ya ALLAH SWt….i try to do it, i will do my best and i need your Ridho to do that….Amien

** To, other religions / nationality / and others who read my posting.. i realy sorry about my words. im not mention some name or something. Is not mean about some one or others, is not mean i making bad my own religion or what else..is just my share only…**   by Franya





aku kembali…..

Aduh so long i didnt write new post, busy, sick, and have no ide, and upset all come together in the same time.. I miss you all blogger and i miss to share what i had so far..ach.. really im too tired.

So many things is happening and i almost lost my control.. i just can praying to ALLAH SWT to give me more support and power to passing all the time.. From last posting i get sick and need rest for 2 weeks and i cant do much tings.. and i must sifthing my room accomodation to others room and working with so busy in the night as i got night sift and cant do anything more with my laptop,my mind so full and really too tired to talk about it…

My duty so busy with all guest check out and check in.. no much time for break and sleep enough.. the next day wake up and start again.. walah.. i felt like robot.. i miss my home but what to do.. i cant home rigght now.. and my time is next year..

but one things one i feel happy.. i meet many indonesian friends here and sometime we seat together and cooking our food and laughing.. is really help to relieve the stress of job.. they so funny expecially if we talk about others nationality.. ( they way they talk and attitude ) some how is funny for us and strange.. i think they also think we are strange too. but never mind…im enjoy to join them and relaxing.

now im back.. i want to say hello to all my friends in blogger and wish can get support of you and wish i can some more ide to talk again or do somemore posting..i miss you……





Liat tuh gambarnya.. nyam..nyam.. jadi pingin deh.. Aduh stelah 2 postingan sebelumnya hatiku sedih dan hancur berkeping ( lha kok kaya lagunya yuni sara aja ) Enggak hancur sich.. Just sad only and feeling lonely. Maklum Brownies aye lagi ngambek.. he..he..he Now time to come back with new spirit.


Kemarin aku sempat jalan2 ke salah satu shopping center di Bur Dubai.. Namanya Bur Juman Centre..wah agak elit juga sich tempatnya… So nice banget deh.. Ibaratnya kalau Jakarta yach PI Mall atau Galaxi Mall di Surabaya.. aku jalan2 keliling window shopping gitu ceritanya cari mangsa yang bisa di beli…. tapi duitnya kagak cukup.. waduh malu2in aja deh.. maklum orang kere masuk mall.. ya ndeso banget deh kelakuannya..hi..hi..hi..

Pas udah jam 3pm gak terasa nich cacing perut udah pada bangun and minta sesuap nasi kalee…ya okelah.. aku berhenti di sebuah restauran yang tulisannya “NOODLE HOUSE” wah wah ada indomie nich… eh bener aja .. waktu liat menu disitu ada beberapa yang masakan Indonesia..salah satunya sambal terong.. waduh makanan favorite ku deh.. sayang gak ada jengkol atau pete.. wah kalau ada bisa klop deh..
Aku panggil si embak… and pesan satu yang itu dengan super pedas…and 1 nasi putih and teh jeruk alias ice lemon tea bahasa linggisnya..
Tak selang berapa menit datanglah menu kesukaanku.. waduh.. nyam,..nyam.. kayak orang kelaparan ( emang sich ) i dont care with people around me, really i dont care
even is elite place ( liat aja gambar food courtnya ) and many elite people come there, wong aku wis lapar kok !!.. so what gitu loh… i eat with my finger as our traditional… waduh enak tenan.. lecker bo !! pedes tenan…. aku jadi ingat masakan mama di rumah.. mama suka banget masakin ini kalau aku pas balik ke Surabaya..rasanya dengan makan ini aku seperti pulang kampung. Bau trasi di sambalnya yang khas.. waduh.. mama where are you now..?? masakin lagi donk…
Even in my accomodation i can cook as my food but sometime im so lazy.. even my brownies is koky ( chef ) in 5* hotel but he will not cook at home.. at home is my time for cook. walah balik asal kodrat deh.. woman cooking at home kitchen. Even i have complete basic flafour alias bumbu dasar as my stock but lazy still won on my self.

Konon ada yang bilang dan kabarnya makan terong bisa bikin HOT dalal hal sex activitas.. ada juga yang bilang bisa bikin LOYO.. waduh bener tha ?? apa bukan sekedar sugesti aja tuh…? Ach cuek deh.. perut lapar gini kok sempat mikir yang begituan.. keburu ilang tuh sambalnya.. mau bener mau enggak biar blogger aja yang jawab… 

Finaly aku lahap semuanya bersih tak perlu dicuci lagi deh.. aduh dasar kampung banget.. waktu aku minta bill nya waduh… MAHAL BANGET BO !!! habisnya sekitar 50 dhs alias 120 ribu Rp. waduh mas.. harga segitu aku bisa beli terong sepasar,tak borong semua deh.. !!! tapi okelah.. untuk obat rindu mama,aku ikhlas ( walau masih sebal juga sich ).

Akhirnya aku batal deh beli sepatu dan tas baru.. semua habis untuk SAMBAL TERONG NYAM NYAM !!!! Akhirnya aku pulang dengan membawa terong dalam perutku…
kalau ada bloger yang masak tolong aku di kirimin aja deh.. biar aku ngirit dikit yach..yach..yach.. pleasesssssss
enjoy your SAMBAL TERONG at home….


anganku… just angan…

 Terlalu Indah tuk dilupakan,

Terlalu sedih tuk dikenangkan

Setelah aku jauh berjalan… engkau ku tingglkan

Betapa hatiku bersedih….

Mengenang kasih dan sayangmu

Setulus pesanmu kepadaku… engkau kan menunggu..

Andaikan kau datang kembali…. jawaban apa yang ku beri.

Adahkah jalan yang kau temui….untuk kita kembali lagi…


Nice melody and song from Ruth Sahanaya was in my Mp3.. i feel that my tears come to my face…oh that song really shoot my feeling at moment. I dont know what i should be..shall i crying or shall i screaming??? what i have to do now…????? tell me… tell me..

I lose my control, i lose my self on moment… i still remember you guy..and i still hope you guy. I know is impossible and i’m can not expecting anything from you.. i just ask little time but you never had time for me…..

Now my Mp3 play MY WAY from Frank Sinatra… Waduh… all is oldies song and make me more sad and want me cry…. My Way… yes.. this my way… i must go to my way and you go to your way.. Our ways is much different and cant be together. Just Miracle of God can be make it happen.Now where are you not even i know it. I just wonder why i must meet you and my feeling grow up to love you.. but why God wonts us be together..?? why always like this….???

Life is goes on… there is many thing still waiting for me and future. I cant just stop my feet and look at back all the time.. i must wake up and put strong feeling for next step what is will be happen.And not fall down again.. Failed is really good teacher for us to lear and learn and learn about life.. about love and about commitment. 

Dont stop your feet step and dont going back from your pass. Now and future is waiting for you. Be strong always….I wish on it.

for you  Farhan ” Koky” Khan

Enough 4me…

Cukup sudah aku mendengar katamu. cukup sudah aku mendengar ceritamu, cukup sudah aku berkata kepadamu, cukup sudah aku menelan derita ini.cukup sudah aku mengikuti langkahmu..cukup..cukup… cukup…

Aku ingin dalam diriku sendiri. aku ingin berjalan dalam langkahku, aku ingin berkata, aku ingin menjerit, aku ingin menangis, aku ingin semua yang ingin kulakukan…aku ingin…..

Dalam gelapku aku bersandar, dalam heningku aku merenung, dalam tangisku aku menjerit, dalam sakitku aku memohon.cukup….. cukup….. cukup…..

kenapa dia selalu menyakitiku.. kenapa dia selalu pergi dan datang seperti itu..?adakah waktu untuk aku bersandar kepadamu..? adakah secuil kata indah yang bisa kau ucap kepadaku..??? adakah waktumu untuk berbagi cerita dan dukaku???  tidak.. tidak.. you never have time for me..you always say no to me.. what ever i ask,what ever i want, did you care about it…? no..no.. NEVER YOU CARE AT ALL.  You never think about it and never want to know about what i feeling…..

Oh.. kapan deritaku berakhir…? kapan aku bisa berlabuh untuk selamanya dengan kenyamanan hati dan diriku? adakah tempat untuk diriku??? dan kenapa hatiku selalu tak kuasa menolak apa permintaanmu…. tak kah kau merasa perjuanganku dan perhatianku…? On my praying i always ask ALLAH SWT to bless you and safe you. I want you always be happy even my heart is broken….i can wish you belongs me,but is dreaming only..i wish always together with you is also dreaming only..you just want me if you want me.. but when is my turn to need you you never be here.Anyway im still here and will be there for you…..i wish i can do my best for you.

**  for you Farhan ” KOKY ”  Khan


Sarung is name of traditional dress for mans. Not only in Indonesia but some people like Indian the also use sarung. They call also sarung.. for villages people in India. In Bangladesh they call LUNGGIE ( maybe im wrong on spelling ).In Malaysia also sarung as baju adat ( traditional dress) in Srilankan also have and the als call sarung.

Sarung is really comfortable to wear,for sleep, for praying and so relax. But now sarung not just mans wear, some female also use it. They making new style and modification and they wear on party and now many kind of sarung is coming up. Many lady now feel better wearing sarung on the party for partner traditional dress. not just jarik or gaun. I also use sarung sometimes when im sleep and warm and also when im praying to combine with our mukena ( praying dress ).

Every years my mom always giving sarung and some moslem dress for lebaran gift. and now insyaallah i continue and follow what my mom doing. My mom always tell me that sarung is our traditional man wear for praying and lebaran is the right time to giving gift to them.  

I dont know exactly from where is sarung coming from.. but i will say thank to the person who created sarung. It is really comfortable and nice on looking and wearing. The person should be get nobel for this.

sarung… sarung… sarung… sarung… sarung…. you are so beautiful and cute and realxing people who wearing you….